Model evaluation for extreme risks


汎用 AI システムを構築する現在のアプローチでは、有益な機能と有害な機能の両方を備えたシステムが生成される傾向があります。
開発者は、危険な機能 (「危険な機能の評価」を通じて) と、モデルがその機能を適用して害を及ぼす傾向を (「調整評価」を通じて) 識別できなければなりません。


Current approaches to building general-purpose AI systems tend to produce systems with both beneficial and harmful capabilities. Further progress in AI development could lead to capabilities that pose extreme risks, such as offensive cyber capabilities or strong manipulation skills. We explain why model evaluation is critical for addressing extreme risks. Developers must be able to identify dangerous capabilities (through ‘dangerous capability evaluations’) and the propensity of models to apply their capabilities for harm (through ‘alignment evaluations’). These evaluations will become critical for keeping policymakers and other stakeholders informed, and for making responsible decisions about model training, deployment, and security.


著者 Toby Shevlane,Sebastian Farquhar,Ben Garfinkel,Mary Phuong,Jess Whittlestone,Jade Leung,Daniel Kokotajlo,Nahema Marchal,Markus Anderljung,Noam Kolt,Lewis Ho,Divya Siddarth,Shahar Avin,Will Hawkins,Been Kim,Iason Gabriel,Vijay Bolina,Jack Clark,Yoshua Bengio,Paul Christiano,Allan Dafoe
発行日 2023-05-24 16:38:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, K.4.1 パーマリンク