Efficient Transformers with Dynamic Token Pooling


この不一致に対処するために、言語モデルに動的プーリング メカニズムを装備し、自己回帰的にセグメント境界を予測します。
この結果は、言語を共同でセグメント化してモデル化する動的プーリングが、同じ計算量内で通常の Transformers や固定長プーリングよりも高速かつ正確であることを示しています。


Transformers achieve unrivalled performance in modelling language, but remain inefficient in terms of memory and time complexity. A possible remedy is to reduce the sequence length in the intermediate layers by pooling fixed-length segments of tokens. Nevertheless, natural units of meaning, such as words or phrases, display varying sizes. To address this mismatch, we equip language models with a dynamic-pooling mechanism, which predicts segment boundaries in an autoregressive fashion. We compare several methods to infer boundaries, including end-to-end learning through stochastic re-parameterisation, supervised learning (based on segmentations from subword tokenizers or spikes in conditional entropy), as well as linguistically motivated boundaries. We perform character-level evaluation on texts from multiple datasets and morphologically diverse languages. The results demonstrate that dynamic pooling, which jointly segments and models language, is both faster and more accurate than vanilla Transformers and fixed-length pooling within the same computational budget.


著者 Piotr Nawrot,Jan Chorowski,Adrian Łańcucki,Edoardo M. Ponti
発行日 2023-05-24 17:32:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク