SimOAP: Improve Coherence and Consistency in Persona-based Dialogue Generation via Over-sampling and Post-evaluation


この研究では、シンプルだが効果的な 2 段階の SimOAP 戦略、つまりオーバーサンプリングと事後評価が提案されています。
オーバーサンプリング ステージでは、既製の抽出および圧縮手法を使用して既存のトレーニング済みモデルから大規模な応答を効率的に取得し、事後評価ステージでは、大規模な候補から適切に設計された複数の評価メトリクスに基づいて適切な応答を選択します。
実験結果は、提案されたプラグイン SimOAP 戦略がバックボーン モデルを改善し、自動評価と人間による評価の両方でベースライン戦略を上回るパフォーマンスを示すことを示しています。


Language models trained on large-scale corpora can generate remarkably fluent results in open-domain dialogue. However, for the persona-based dialogue generation task, consistency and coherence are also key factors, which are great challenges for language models. Existing works mainly focus on valuable data filtering, model structure modifying, or objective function designing, while their improvements are limited and hard to generalize to all types of pre-trained language models. However, we find that language models can produce consistent and coherent responses if we consider enough generations. Thus, the problems lay in large-scale response generation and target response selection. In this work, a simple but effective two-stage SimOAP strategy is proposed, i.e., over-sampling and post-evaluation. The over-sampling stage takes large-scale responses from existing trained models efficiently via off-the-shelf distilling and compressing methods, and the post-evaluation stage selects a good response based on multiple well-designed evaluation metrics from large-scale candidates. Experimental results show that the proposed plug-in SimOAP strategy improves the backbone models and outperforms the baseline strategies in both automatic and human evaluations.


著者 Junkai Zhou,Liang Pang,Huawei Shen,Xueqi Cheng
発行日 2023-05-18 17:23:00+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク