Tracking Different Ant Species: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Framework and a Dataset for Multi-object Tracking


この論文では、必要な一般化を達成するために初めてドメイン適応を採用したデータ駆動型マルチオブジェクト トラッカーを提案します。
データセットには、完全な軌跡の注釈が付いた 57 のビデオ シーケンスが含まれており、これには、異なる背景パターン上を移動する 2 つの異なるアリからキャプチャされた 30,000 フレームが含まれます。
これは、ソース ドメインとターゲット ドメインのそれぞれ 33 と 24 の配列で構成されます。
コードとデータセットは で入手できます。


Tracking individuals is a vital part of many experiments conducted to understand collective behaviour. Ants are the paradigmatic model system for such experiments but their lack of individually distinguishing visual features and their high colony densities make it extremely difficult to perform reliable tracking automatically. Additionally, the wide diversity of their species’ appearances makes a generalized approach even harder. In this paper, we propose a data-driven multi-object tracker that, for the first time, employs domain adaptation to achieve the required generalisation. This approach is built upon a joint-detection-and-tracking framework that is extended by a set of domain discriminator modules integrating an adversarial training strategy in addition to the tracking loss. In addition to this novel domain-adaptive tracking framework, we present a new dataset and a benchmark for the ant tracking problem. The dataset contains 57 video sequences with full trajectory annotation, including 30k frames captured from two different ant species moving on different background patterns. It comprises 33 and 24 sequences for source and target domains, respectively. We compare our proposed framework against other domain-adaptive and non-domain-adaptive multi-object tracking baselines using this dataset and show that incorporating domain adaptation at multiple levels of the tracking pipeline yields significant improvements. The code and the dataset are available at


著者 Chamath Abeysinghe,Chris Reid,Hamid Rezatofighi,Bernd Meyer
発行日 2023-05-16 09:46:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク