Fast Staircase Detection and Estimation using 3D Point Clouds with Multi-detection Merging for Heterogeneous Robots


ロボット システムは、人間が使用するように設計された複雑な 3 次元環境 (多層ビルなど) で動作するために、高度なモビリティ機能を必要とします。


Robotic systems need advanced mobility capabilities to operate in complex, three-dimensional environments designed for human use, e.g., multi-level buildings. Incorporating some level of autonomy enables robots to operate robustly, reliably, and efficiently in such complex environments, e.g., automatically ‘returning home’ if communication between an operator and robot is lost during deployment. This work presents a novel method that enables mobile robots to robustly operate in multi-level environments by making it possible to autonomously locate and climb a range of different staircases. We present results wherein a wheeled robot works together with a quadrupedal system to quickly detect different staircases and reliably climb them. The performance of this novel staircase detection algorithm that is able to run on the heterogeneous platforms is compared to the current state-of-the-art detection algorithm. We show that our approach significantly increases the accuracy and speed at which detections occur.


著者 Prasanna Sriganesh,Namya Bagree,Bhaskar Vundurthy,Matthew Travers
発行日 2023-05-15 23:28:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク