Balancing Risk and Reward: An Automated Phased Release Strategy


段階的リリースは、テクノロジー業界で一般的な戦略で、一連の A/B テストを通じて新製品やアップデートを段階的にリリースし、完全な展開または非推奨になるまで処理されるユニットの数が徐々に増加します。
私たちが提案するアルゴリズムは、治療に割り当てられるユニットの最大数が事後分布によって決定される適応ベイジアン アプローチを活用しており、残りの予算を使い果たす可能性が低くなります。
特に、私たちのアプローチは確率限界を反転することによってランプ サイズを分析的に解決し、困難なレアイベント モンテカルロ シミュレーションの必要性を排除します。


Phased releases are a common strategy in the technology industry for gradually releasing new products or updates through a sequence of A/B tests in which the number of treated units gradually grows until full deployment or deprecation. Performing phased releases in a principled way requires selecting the proportion of units assigned to the new release in a way that balances the risk of an adverse effect with the need to iterate and learn from the experiment rapidly. In this paper, we formalize this problem and propose an algorithm that automatically determines the release percentage at each stage in the schedule, balancing the need to control risk while maximizing ramp-up speed. Our framework models the challenge as a constrained batched bandit problem that ensures that our pre-specified experimental budget is not depleted with high probability. Our proposed algorithm leverages an adaptive Bayesian approach in which the maximal number of units assigned to the treatment is determined by the posterior distribution, ensuring that the probability of depleting the remaining budget is low. Notably, our approach analytically solves the ramp sizes by inverting probability bounds, eliminating the need for challenging rare-event Monte Carlo simulation. It only requires computing means and variances of outcome subsets, making it highly efficient and parallelizable.


著者 Yufan Li,Jialiang Mao,Iavor Bojinov
発行日 2023-05-16 17:27:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ME, stat.ML パーマリンク