Tracking Progress in Multi-Agent Path Finding


マルチエージェント パス検索 (MAPF) は、多くの新規および新興の産業用アプリケーションにとって重要な中核問題です。
しかし、MAPF の全体的な進捗状況を測定することは困難です。潜在的な競合相手が多数存在し、包括的な実験のための計算負荷が法外に大きいためです。
この作業では、コミュニティが最先端の MAPF パフォーマンスの明確な指標を確立するのに役立ち、MAPF ソルバー間の大規模な比較を容易にする一連の方法論および視覚化ツールを紹介します。


Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) is an important core problem for many new and emerging industrial applications. Many works appear on this topic each year, and a large number of substantial advancements and performance improvements have been reported. Yet measuring overall progress in MAPF is difficult: there are many potential competitors, and the computational burden for comprehensive experimentation is prohibitively large. Moreover, detailed data from past experimentation is usually unavailable. In this work, we introduce a set of methodological and visualisation tools which can help the community establish clear indicators for state-of-the-art MAPF performance and which can facilitate large-scale comparisons between MAPF solvers. Our objectives are to lower the barrier of entry for new researchers and to further promote the study of MAPF, since progress in the area and the main challenges are made much clearer.


著者 Bojie Shen,Zhe Chen,Muhammad Aamir Cheema,Daniel D. Harabor,Peter J. Stuckey
発行日 2023-05-15 08:42:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク