PillarAcc: Sparse PointPillars Accelerator for Real-Time Point Cloud 3D Object Detection on Edge Devices




3D object detection using point cloud (PC) data is vital for autonomous driving perception pipelines, where efficient encoding is key to meeting stringent resource and latency requirements. PointPillars, a widely adopted bird’s-eye view (BEV) encoding, aggregates 3D point cloud data into 2D pillars for high-accuracy 3D object detection. However, most state-of-the-art methods employing PointPillar overlook the inherent sparsity of pillar encoding, missing opportunities for significant computational reduction. In this study, we propose a groundbreaking algorithm-hardware co-design that accelerates sparse convolution processing and maximizes sparsity utilization in pillar-based 3D object detection networks. We investigate sparsification opportunities using an advanced pillar-pruning method, achieving an optimal balance between accuracy and sparsity. We introduce PillarAcc, a state-of-the-art sparsity support mechanism that enhances sparse pillar convolution through linear complexity input-output mapping generation and conflict-free gather-scatter memory access. Additionally, we propose dataflow optimization techniques, dynamically adjusting the pillar processing schedule for optimal hardware utilization under diverse sparsity operations. We evaluate PillarAcc on various cutting-edge 3D object detection networks and benchmarks, achieving remarkable speedup and energy savings compared to representative edge platforms, demonstrating record-breaking PointPillars speed of 500FPS with minimal compromise in accuracy.


著者 Minjae Lee,Hyungmin Kim,Seongmin Park,Minyong Yoon,Janghwan Lee,Junwon Choi,Mingu Kang,Jungwook Choi
発行日 2023-05-15 07:12:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.AR パーマリンク