Enhancing Cyber-Resilience in Self-Healing Cyber-Physical Systems with Implicit Guarantees


自己修復サイバーフィジカル システム (SH-CPS) は、人間の介入なしでシステムの認識された障害から効果的に回復します。
SH-CPS では暗黙的な冗長性を利用して、コンポーネントを明示的に複製することなく構造的に適応できます。
したがって、SH-CPS では、要件に準拠しながら、適応および回復後の信頼性のレベルを保証できます。
SH-CPS の復元力を確保しながら、要件保証への準拠を実証します。


Self-Healing Cyber-Physical Systems (SH-CPS) effectively recover from system perceived failures without human intervention. They ensure a level of resilience and tolerance to unforeseen situations that arise from intrinsic system and component degradation, errors, or malicious attacks. Implicit redundancy can be exploited in SH-CPS to structurally adapt without the need to explicitly duplicate components. However, implicitly redundant components do not guarantee the same level of dependability as the primary component used to provide for a given function. Additional processes are needed to restore critical system functionalities as desired. This work introduces implicit guarantees to ensure the dependability of implicitly redundant components and processes. Implicit guarantees can be obtained through inheritance and decomposition. Therefore, a level of dependability can be guaranteed in SH-CPS after adaptation and recovery while complying with requirements. We demonstrate compliance with the requirement guarantees while ensuring resilience in SH-CPS.


著者 Randolph Loh,Vrizlynn L. L. Thing
発行日 2023-05-15 04:02:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク