Enabling Failure Recovery for On-The-Move Mobile Manipulation


移動中のモバイル マニピュレータは、成功するまで繰り返し試行できる静止時とは異なり、タスクを完了するまでの時間枠が限られています。
この制限を克服するために、ロボットの現在の状態、即時操作タスク、およびマルチステップ タスクの次の部分を考慮して、最適なベース配置を繰り返し評価するリアクティブ ベース制御方法を提案します。
実験のビデオについては、https://benburgesslimerick.github.io/MotM-FailureRecovery を参照してください。


We present a robot base placement and control method that enables a mobile manipulator to gracefully recover from manipulation failures while performing tasks on-the-move. A mobile manipulator in motion has a limited window to complete a task, unlike when stationary where it can make repeated attempts until successful. Existing approaches to manipulation on-the-move are typically based on open-loop execution of planned trajectories which does not allow the base controller to react to manipulation failures, slowing down or stopping as required. To overcome this limitation, we present a reactive base control method that repeatedly evaluates the best base placement given the robot’s current state, the immediate manipulation task, as well as the next part of a multi-step task. The result is a system that retains the reliability of traditional mobile manipulation approaches where the base comes to a stop, but leverages the performance gains available by performing manipulation on-the-move. The controller keeps the base in range of the target for as long as required to recover from manipulation failures while making as much progress as possible toward the next objective. See https://benburgesslimerick.github.io/MotM-FailureRecovery for videos of experiments.


著者 Ben Burgess-Limerick,Chris Lehnert Jurgen Leitner,Peter Corke
発行日 2023-05-15 05:09:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク