HyperMODEST: Self-Supervised 3D Object Detection with Confidence Score Filtering


タイトル: HyperMODEST: 自己教師あり3Dオブジェクト検出法の信頼度スコアフィルタリング

-我々は、低い信頼度スコアの中間疑似ラベルでデータ拡張を使用することでフィルタリングを行い、nuScenesデータセットでは、MODESTのオリジナルアプローチのトレーニング時間の1/5しか使用しないのに、IoU = 0.25で0-80m範囲でAP BVEが1.6%、IoU = 0.5で0-80m範囲でAP BEVが1.7%向上した結果を観察した。


Current LiDAR-based 3D object detectors for autonomous driving are almost entirely trained on human-annotated data collected in specific geographical domains with specific sensor setups, making it difficult to adapt to a different domain. MODEST is the first work to train 3D object detectors without any labels. Our work, HyperMODEST, proposes a universal method implemented on top of MODEST that can largely accelerate the self-training process and does not require tuning on a specific dataset. We filter intermediate pseudo-labels used for data augmentation with low confidence scores. On the nuScenes dataset, we observe a significant improvement of 1.6% in AP BEV in 0-80m range at IoU=0.25 and an improvement of 1.7% in AP BEV in 0-80m range at IoU=0.5 while only using one-fifth of the training time in the original approach by MODEST. On the Lyft dataset, we also observe an improvement over the baseline during the first round of iterative self-training. We explore the trade-off between high precision and high recall in the early stage of the self-training process by comparing our proposed method with two other score filtering methods: confidence score filtering for pseudo-labels with and without static label retention. The code and models of this work are available at https://github.com/TRAILab/HyperMODEST


著者 Jenny Xu,Steven L. Waslander
発行日 2023-04-27 18:12:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク