Use the Detection Transformer as a Data Augmenter


Detection Transformerをデータ拡張器として使用する方法

・Detection Transformer (DETR)は、Transformerアーキテクチャをベースにした物体検出モデルである。


Detection Transformer (DETR) is a Transformer architecture based object detection model. In this paper, we demonstrate that it can also be used as a data augmenter. We term our approach as DETR assisted CutMix, or DeMix for short. DeMix builds on CutMix, a simple yet highly effective data augmentation technique that has gained popularity in recent years. CutMix improves model performance by cutting and pasting a patch from one image onto another, yielding a new image. The corresponding label for this new example is specified as the weighted average of the original labels, where the weight is proportional to the area of the patch. CutMix selects a random patch to be cut. In contrast, DeMix elaborately selects a semantically rich patch, located by a pre-trained DETR. The label of the new image is specified in the same way as in CutMix. Experimental results on benchmark datasets for image classification demonstrate that DeMix significantly outperforms prior art data augmentation methods including CutMix. Oue code is available at


著者 Luping Wang,Bin Liu
発行日 2023-04-26 02:44:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク