Cross-Modal Causal Relational Reasoning for Event-Level Visual Question Answering



・我々のフレームワークであるCross-Modal Causal RelatIonal Reasoning(CMCIR)には、以下の3つのモジュールが含まれる。
1. 原因に注意を払ったビジュアル言語推論(CVLR)モジュール:Front-DoorとBack-Doorの原因介入を介して、ビジュアルと言語の偽の相関を共同的に分離すること。
2. 空間的・時間的変換(STT)モジュール:ビジュアルと言語の意味の微細な相互作用を捕捉すること。
3. ビジュアル言語特徴融合(VLFF)モジュール:グローバルな意味を持つビジュアル言語表現を適応的に学習すること。


Existing visual question answering methods often suffer from cross-modal spurious correlations and oversimplified event-level reasoning processes that fail to capture event temporality, causality, and dynamics spanning over the video. In this work, to address the task of event-level visual question answering, we propose a framework for cross-modal causal relational reasoning. In particular, a set of causal intervention operations is introduced to discover the underlying causal structures across visual and linguistic modalities. Our framework, named Cross-Modal Causal RelatIonal Reasoning (CMCIR), involves three modules: i) Causality-aware Visual-Linguistic Reasoning (CVLR) module for collaboratively disentangling the visual and linguistic spurious correlations via front-door and back-door causal interventions; ii) Spatial-Temporal Transformer (STT) module for capturing the fine-grained interactions between visual and linguistic semantics; iii) Visual-Linguistic Feature Fusion (VLFF) module for learning the global semantic-aware visual-linguistic representations adaptively. Extensive experiments on four event-level datasets demonstrate the superiority of our CMCIR in discovering visual-linguistic causal structures and achieving robust event-level visual question answering. The datasets, code, and models are available at


著者 Yang Liu,Guanbin Li,Liang Lin
発行日 2023-04-25 02:47:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク