Optimal Layout Synthesis for Quantum Circuits as Classical Planning


-量子回路のレイアウト合成(Layput Synthesis) は、物理的なキュービットの接続を考慮して、量子回路の論理キュービットと物理キュービットをマッピングすることです。
– 遠隔キュービットに操作を適用する前にSWAPゲートを挿入する必要があります。


In Layout Synthesis, the logical qubits of a quantum circuit are mapped to the physical qubits of a given quantum hardware platform, taking into account the connectivity of physical qubits. This involves inserting SWAP gates before an operation is applied on distant qubits. Optimal Layout Synthesis is crucial for practical Quantum Computing on current error-prone hardware: Minimizing the number of SWAP gates directly mitigates the error rates when running quantum circuits. In recent years, several approaches have been proposed for minimizing the required SWAP insertions. The proposed exact approaches can only scale to a small number of qubits. Proving that a number of swap insertions is optimal is much harder than producing near optimal mappings. In this paper, we provide two encodings for Optimal Layout Synthesis as a classical planning problem. We use optimal classical planners to synthesize the optimal layout for a standard set of benchmarks. Our results show the scalability of our approach compared to previous leading approaches. We can optimally map circuits with 7 qubits onto a 16 qubit platform, which could not be handled before by exact methods.


著者 Irfansha Shaik,Jaco van de Pol
発行日 2023-04-24 11:30:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.AI, quant-ph パーマリンク