Perspectives on AI Architectures and Co-design for Earth System Predictability



要約:米国エネルギー省(DOE)科学局による人工知能(AI)に関するワークショップで、地球システム予測のためのAI4ESPというプログラムが開催されました。ワークショップでは、ModExというアプローチが提唱され、プロセスモデルを利用した仮説の検証から始め、実験によって収集されたデータを用いてモデルの予測を行うことが重要であるという結論が得られました。本論文は、ワークショップの一つである「AI Architectures and Co-design」のセッションについて2つの招待講演、2つのパネルディスカッション、そして3つのブレークアウトルームでの討論を通じて、DOEが掲げる取り組みについてまとめられています。また、今後の研究についても提言され、その中には以下のようなアイデアが含まれています。

– 共同設計の再構想
– データの収集から分散まで
– AI / MLと不確実性評価などの他のデータ分析方法を統合する異種混合HPCソリューション
– AIでセンサーの統合を実現する



Recently, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research (BER), and Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) programs organized and held the Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP) workshop series. From this workshop, a critical conclusion that the DOE BER and ASCR community came to is the requirement to develop a new paradigm for Earth system predictability focused on enabling artificial intelligence (AI) across the field, lab, modeling, and analysis activities, called ModEx. The BER’s `Model-Experimentation’, ModEx, is an iterative approach that enables process models to generate hypotheses. The developed hypotheses inform field and laboratory efforts to collect measurement and observation data, which are subsequently used to parameterize, drive, and test model (e.g., process-based) predictions. A total of 17 technical sessions were held in this AI4ESP workshop series. This paper discusses the topic of the `AI Architectures and Co-design’ session and associated outcomes. The AI Architectures and Co-design session included two invited talks, two plenary discussion panels, and three breakout rooms that covered specific topics, including: (1) DOE HPC Systems, (2) Cloud HPC Systems, and (3) Edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT). We also provide forward-looking ideas and perspectives on potential research in this co-design area that can be achieved by synergies with the other 16 session topics. These ideas include topics such as: (1) reimagining co-design, (2) data acquisition to distribution, (3) heterogeneous HPC solutions for integration of AI/ML and other data analytics like uncertainty quantification with earth system modeling and simulation, and (4) AI-enabled sensor integration into earth system measurements and observations. Such perspectives are a distinguishing aspect of this paper.


著者 Maruti K. Mudunuru,James A. Ang,Mahantesh Halappanavar,Simon D. Hammond,Maya B. Gokhale,James C. Hoe,Tushar Krishna,Sarat S. Sreepathi,Matthew R. Norman,Ivy B. Peng,Philip W. Jones
発行日 2023-04-07 17:36:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, physics.comp-ph, パーマリンク