From Natural Language to Simulations: Applying GPT-3 Codex to Automate Simulation Modeling of Logistics Systems


タイトル:自然言語からシミュレーションへ:ロジスティクスシステムのシミュレーションモデル開発の自動化におけるGPT-3 Codexの適用

-GPT-3 Codexを細かく調整したフレームワークを構築し、口頭表現の説明に基づいてキュー管理システムと在庫管理システムの機能的に有効なシミュレーションを作成できることを実証した。
-GPT-3 Codexは、Pythonに関する知識と、固有の語彙に理解があることを実験で示した。


Our work is the first attempt to apply Natural Language Processing to automate the development of simulation models of systems vitally important for logistics. We demonstrated that the framework built on top of the fine-tuned GPT-3 Codex, a Transformer-based language model, could produce functionally valid simulations of queuing and inventory control systems given the verbal description. In conducted experiments, GPT-3 Codex demonstrated convincing expertise in Python as well as an understanding of the domain-specific vocabulary. As a result, the language model could produce simulations of a single-product inventory-control system and single-server queuing system given the domain-specific context, a detailed description of the process, and a list of variables with the corresponding values. The demonstrated results, along with the rapid improvement of language models, open the door for significant simplification of the workflow behind the simulation model development, which will allow experts to focus on the high-level consideration of the problem and holistic thinking.


著者 Ilya Jackson,Maria Jesus Saenz
発行日 2023-03-30 21:00:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, OpenAI

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク