Deep Temporal Modelling of Clinical Depression through Social Media Text


ユーザーの一時的なソーシャル メディアの投稿に基づいて、ユーザー レベルの臨床的うつ病を検出するモデルの開発について説明します。
私たちのモデルは、うつ病症状検出 (DSD) 分類子を使用します。これは、臨床的うつ病症状について臨床医が注釈を付けたツイートの既存の最大のサンプルでトレーニングされています。
これらの抽出された機能の有効性を評価するために、ユーザーレベルのうつ病検出のための 2 つの既存のよく知られたベンチマーク データセットから、テスト データセットを含む 3 種類のデータセットを作成します。


We describe the development of a model to detect user-level clinical depression based on a user’s temporal social media posts. Our model uses a Depression Symptoms Detection (DSD) classifier, which is trained on the largest existing samples of clinician annotated tweets for clinical depression symptoms. We subsequently use our DSD model to extract clinically relevant features, e.g., depression scores and their consequent temporal patterns, as well as user posting activity patterns, e.g., quantifying their “no activity” or “silence.” Furthermore, to evaluate the efficacy of these extracted features, we create three kinds of datasets including a test dataset, from two existing well-known benchmark datasets for user-level depression detection. We then provide accuracy measures based on single features, baseline features and feature ablation tests, at several different levels of temporal granularity. The relevant data distributions and clinical depression detection related settings can be exploited to draw a complete picture of the impact of different features across our created datasets. Finally, we show that, in general, only semantic oriented representation models perform well. However, clinical features may enhance overall performance provided that the training and testing distribution is similar, and there is more data in a user’s timeline. The consequence is that the predictive capability of depression scores increase significantly while used in a more sensitive clinical depression detection settings.


著者 Nawshad Farruque,Randy Goebel,Sudhakar Sivapalan,Osmar R. Zaïane
発行日 2023-03-30 15:03:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク