Text revision in Scientific Writing Assistance: An Overview


ルールベースのアプローチからディープニューラルベースのアプローチへと、これらのツールの背後にあるテクノロジーは長年にわたって進化してきましたが、依然として課題が存在します (ツールのアクセシビリティ、コンテキストの限定的な考慮、言説情報の非明示的な使用など)。


Writing a scientific article is a challenging task as it is a highly codified genre. Good writing skills are essential to properly convey ideas and results of research work. Since the majority of scientific articles are currently written in English, this exercise is all the more difficult for non-native English speakers as they additionally have to face language issues. This article aims to provide an overview of text revision in writing assistance in the scientific domain. We will examine the specificities of scientific writing, including the format and conventions commonly used in research articles. Additionally, this overview will explore the various types of writing assistance tools available for text revision. Despite the evolution of the technology behind these tools through the years, from rule-based approaches to deep neural-based ones, challenges still exist (tools’ accessibility, limited consideration of the context, inexplicit use of discursive information, etc.)


著者 Léane Jourdan,Florian Boudin,Richard Dufour,Nicolas Hernandez
発行日 2023-03-29 14:25:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク