Model and Evaluation: Towards Fairness in Multilingual Text Classification


このモデルには、多言語テキスト表現モジュール、言語融合モジュール、テキストバイアス緩和モジュール、およびテキスト分類モジュールの 4 つのモジュールが含まれています。
多言語テキスト表現モジュールは、多言語の事前トレーニング済み言語モデルを使用してテキストを表現し、言語融合モジュールは、対照学習を通じて異なる言語の意味空間を一貫性のあるものにし、テキスト バイアス緩和モジュールは、対照学習を使用してモデルを不可能にします。


Recently, more and more research has focused on addressing bias in text classification models. However, existing research mainly focuses on the fairness of monolingual text classification models, and research on fairness for multilingual text classification is still very limited. In this paper, we focus on the task of multilingual text classification and propose a debiasing framework for multilingual text classification based on contrastive learning. Our proposed method does not rely on any external language resources and can be extended to any other languages. The model contains four modules: multilingual text representation module, language fusion module, text debiasing module, and text classification module. The multilingual text representation module uses a multilingual pre-trained language model to represent the text, the language fusion module makes the semantic spaces of different languages tend to be consistent through contrastive learning, and the text debiasing module uses contrastive learning to make the model unable to identify sensitive attributes’ information. The text classification module completes the basic tasks of multilingual text classification. In addition, the existing research on the fairness of multilingual text classification is relatively simple in the evaluation mode. The evaluation method of fairness is the same as the monolingual equality difference evaluation method, that is, the evaluation is performed on a single language. We propose a multi-dimensional fairness evaluation framework for multilingual text classification, which evaluates the model’s monolingual equality difference, multilingual equality difference, multilingual equality performance difference, and destructiveness of the fairness strategy. We hope that our work can provide a more general debiasing method and a more comprehensive evaluation framework for multilingual text fairness tasks.


著者 Nankai Lin,Junheng He,Zhenghang Tang,Dong Zhou,Aimin Yang
発行日 2023-03-28 03:00:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク