A Multi-Granularity Matching Attention Network for Query Intent Classification in E-commerce Retrieval


この論文では、クエリとクエリから特徴を包括的に抽出するための自己照合モジュール、文字レベル照合モジュール、および意味レベル照合モジュールの 3 つのモジュールを含む Multi-granularity Matching Attention Network (MMAN) を提案します。
オフラインおよびオンラインで広範な A/B 実験を実施した結果、MMAN が強力なベースラインを大幅に上回ることが示され、MMAN の優位性と有効性が示されました。
MMAN は本番環境に導入されており、当社に大きな商業的価値をもたらしています。


Query intent classification, which aims at assisting customers to find desired products, has become an essential component of the e-commerce search. Existing query intent classification models either design more exquisite models to enhance the representation learning of queries or explore label-graph and multi-task to facilitate models to learn external information. However, these models cannot capture multi-granularity matching features from queries and categories, which makes them hard to mitigate the gap in the expression between informal queries and categories. This paper proposes a Multi-granularity Matching Attention Network (MMAN), which contains three modules: a self-matching module, a char-level matching module, and a semantic-level matching module to comprehensively extract features from the query and a query-category interaction matrix. In this way, the model can eliminate the difference in expression between queries and categories for query intent classification. We conduct extensive offline and online A/B experiments, and the results show that the MMAN significantly outperforms the strong baselines, which shows the superiority and effectiveness of MMAN. MMAN has been deployed in production and brings great commercial value for our company.


著者 Chunyuan Yuan,Yiming Qiu,Mingming Li,Haiqing Hu,Songlin Wang,Sulong Xu
発行日 2023-03-28 10:25:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.IR パーマリンク