Towards secure judgments aggregation in AHP


ただし、これは、グループ分析階層プロセス (GAHP) などのグループ意思決定フレームワークの 1 人または複数の専門家が結果を有利に操作しようとする場合には当てはまりません。
2 番目のヒューリスティックは、不正な判断はグループの平均的な一貫性よりも一貫性が低いと仮定します。


In the decision making methods the common assumption is the honesty and professionalism of experts. However, this is not the case when one or more experts in the group decision making framework, such as the group analytic hierarchy process (GAHP), try to manipulate results in their favor. The aim of this paper is to introduce two heuristics in the GAHP setting allowing to detect the manipulators and minimize their effect on the group consensus by diminishing their weights. The first heuristic is based on the assumption that manipulators will provide judgments which can be considered outliers with respect to judgments of the rest of the experts in the group. Second heuristic assumes that dishonest judgments are less consistent than average consistency of the group. Both approaches are illustrated with numerical examples and simulations.


著者 Konrad Kułakowski,Jacek Szybowski,Jiri Mazurek,Sebastian Ernst
発行日 2023-03-27 11:07:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY パーマリンク