Recognizing Rigid Patterns of Unlabeled Point Clouds by Complete and Continuous Isometry Invariants with no False Negatives and no False Positives


点群の剛体パターンは、完全なアイソメ不変量によってのみ確実に比較できます。これは、偽陰性 (異なる説明を持つ等角雲) も偽陽性 (同じ説明を持つ非等角雲) もなしに、等変記述子とも呼ばれます。


Rigid structures such as cars or any other solid objects are often represented by finite clouds of unlabeled points. The most natural equivalence on these point clouds is rigid motion or isometry maintaining all inter-point distances. Rigid patterns of point clouds can be reliably compared only by complete isometry invariants that can also be called equivariant descriptors without false negatives (isometric clouds having different descriptions) and without false positives (non-isometric clouds with the same description). Noise and motion in data motivate a search for invariants that are continuous under perturbations of points in a suitable metric. We propose the first continuous and complete invariant of unlabeled clouds in any Euclidean space. For a fixed dimension, the new metric for this invariant is computable in a polynomial time in the number of points.


著者 Daniel Widdowson,Vitaliy Kurlin
発行日 2023-03-27 16:58:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 51F20, 51F30, 51K05, 51N20, 68U05, cs.CG, cs.CV, I.5.1, math.MG パーマリンク