CNN based Intelligent Streetlight Management Using Smart CCTV Camera and Semantic Segmentation


最も軽視されているエネルギー損失の原因の 1 つは、必要のない場所に過剰な光を生成する街灯です。
この研究では、コンピューター ビジョン技術を利用したスマート交通監視システムと、発光ダイオード (LED) 街灯を適切な明るさで自動的に点灯させる閉回路テレビ (CCTV) カメラを組み合わせて、新しい街路灯制御方法を開発することを目的としています。
歩行者や車両の存在を検出し、CCTV ビデオ ストリーミングからのセマンティック イメージ セグメンテーションを使用して街灯を暗くします。
タスクを完了するために、ResNet-34 をバックボーンとして U-net モデルをトレーニングすることを検討します。


One of the most neglected sources of energy loss is streetlights which generate too much light in areas where it is not required. Energy waste has enormous economic and environmental effects. In addition, due to the conventional manual nature of the operation, streetlights are frequently seen being turned ON during the day and OFF in the evening, which is regrettable even in the twenty-first century. These issues require automated streetlight control in order to be resolved. This study aims to develop a novel streetlight controlling method by combining a smart transport monitoring system powered by computer vision technology with a closed circuit television (CCTV) camera that allows the light-emitting diode (LED) streetlight to automatically light up with the appropriate brightness by detecting the presence of pedestrians or vehicles and dimming the streetlight in their absence using semantic image segmentation from the CCTV video streaming. Consequently, our model distinguishes daylight and nighttime, which made it feasible to automate the process of turning the streetlight ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ to save energy consumption costs. According to the aforementioned approach, geolocation sensor data could be utilized to make more informed streetlight management decisions. To complete the tasks, we consider training the U-net model with ResNet-34 as its backbone. The validity of the models is guaranteed with the use of assessment matrices. The suggested concept is straightforward, economical, energy-efficient, long-lasting, and more resilient than conventional alternatives.


著者 Md Sakib Ullah Sourav,Huidong Wang,Mohammad Raziuddin Chowdhury,Rejwan Bin Sulaiman
発行日 2023-03-27 11:56:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク