Removing confounding information from fetal ultrasound images


医用画像に埋め込まれたテキストまたはマーキングの形の交絡情報は、診断ディープ ラーニング アルゴリズムのトレーニングに深刻な影響を与える可能性があります。


Confounding information in the form of text or markings embedded in medical images can severely affect the training of diagnostic deep learning algorithms. However, data collected for clinical purposes often have such markings embedded in them. In dermatology, known examples include drawings or rulers that are overrepresented in images of malignant lesions. In this paper, we encounter text and calipers placed on the images found in national databases containing fetal screening ultrasound scans, which correlate with standard planes to be predicted. In order to utilize the vast amounts of data available in these databases, we develop and validate a series of methods for minimizing the confounding effects of embedded text and calipers on deep learning algorithms designed for ultrasound, using standard plane classification as a test case.


著者 Kamil Mikolaj,Manxi Lin,Zahra Bashir,Morten Bo Søndergaard Svendsen,Martin Tolsgaard,Anders Nymark,Aasa Feragen
発行日 2023-03-24 11:13:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク