Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving


さまざまなタスクを実行し、高度なレベルのインテリジェンスを実現するために、最新のアプローチでは、個々のタスクにスタンドアロン モデルを展開するか、個別のヘッドを使用してマルチタスク パラダイムを設計します。
フルスタックの運転タスクを 1 つのネットワークに組み込んだ最新の包括的なフレームワークである Unified Autonomous Driving (UniAD) を紹介します。
タスクは、計画に向けて相互に促進するために、統一されたクエリ インターフェイスとやり取りされます。
挑戦的な nuScenes ベンチマークで UniAD をインスタンス化します。


Modern autonomous driving system is characterized as modular tasks in sequential order, i.e., perception, prediction, and planning. In order to perform a wide diversity of tasks and achieve advanced-level intelligence, contemporary approaches either deploy standalone models for individual tasks, or design a multi-task paradigm with separate heads. However, they might suffer from accumulative errors or deficient task coordination. Instead, we argue that a favorable framework should be devised and optimized in pursuit of the ultimate goal, i.e., planning of the self-driving car. Oriented at this, we revisit the key components within perception and prediction, and prioritize the tasks such that all these tasks contribute to planning. We introduce Unified Autonomous Driving (UniAD), a comprehensive framework up-to-date that incorporates full-stack driving tasks in one network. It is exquisitely devised to leverage advantages of each module, and provide complementary feature abstractions for agent interaction from a global perspective. Tasks are communicated with unified query interfaces to facilitate each other toward planning. We instantiate UniAD on the challenging nuScenes benchmark. With extensive ablations, the effectiveness of using such a philosophy is proven by substantially outperforming previous state-of-the-arts in all aspects. Code and models are public.


著者 Yihan Hu,Jiazhi Yang,Li Chen,Keyu Li,Chonghao Sima,Xizhou Zhu,Siqi Chai,Senyao Du,Tianwei Lin,Wenhai Wang,Lewei Lu,Xiaosong Jia,Qiang Liu,Jifeng Dai,Yu Qiao,Hongyang Li
発行日 2023-03-23 16:26:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク