On Designing a Learning Robot: Improving Morphology for Enhanced Task Performance and Learning


これを実現するために、さまざまなロボット設計の迅速な評価に役立つ Morphology-AGnostIc Controller (MAGIC) を導入します。
MAGIC ポリシーは、潜在的なアライメント (PRISM) フレームワークを介した新しい PRIvileged シングルステージ学習を通じて効率的にトレーニングされ、ロボット搭載観察に典型的な動作も促進します。
私たちのシミュレーションベースの結果は、形態を全体的に最適化すると、さまざまな操作タスクでロボットのパフォーマンスが 15 ~ 20% 向上し、人間の専門家が作成した形態のパフォーマンスに匹敵するために必要なデータが 25 倍少ないことを示しています。


As robots become more prevalent, optimizing their design for better performance and efficiency is becoming increasingly important. However, current robot design practices overlook the impact of perception and design choices on a robot’s learning capabilities. To address this gap, we propose a comprehensive methodology that accounts for the interplay between the robot’s perception, hardware characteristics, and task requirements. Our approach optimizes the robot’s morphology holistically, leading to improved learning and task execution proficiency. To achieve this, we introduce a Morphology-AGnostIc Controller (MAGIC), which helps with the rapid assessment of different robot designs. The MAGIC policy is efficiently trained through a novel PRIvileged Single-stage learning via latent alignMent (PRISM) framework, which also encourages behaviors that are typical of robot onboard observation. Our simulation-based results demonstrate that morphologies optimized holistically improve the robot performance by 15-20% on various manipulation tasks, and require 25x less data to match human-expert made morphology performance. In summary, our work contributes to the growing trend of learning-based approaches in robotics and emphasizes the potential in designing robots that facilitate better learning.


著者 Maks Sorokin,Chuyuan Fu,Jie Tan,C. Karen Liu,Yunfei Bai,Wenlong Lu,Sehoon Ha,Mohi Khansari
発行日 2023-03-23 16:04:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク