Causal Discovery from Temporal Data: An Overview and New Perspectives


既存のカジュアルな発見作業は、時系列データが校正されているかどうかによって、相関性の高い 2 つのカテゴリ、つまり、多変量時系列のカジュアルな発見と、イベント シーケンスのカジュアルな発見に分けることができます。
ただし、これまでの調査のほとんどは時系列のカジュアルな発見のみに焦点を当てており、2 番目のカテゴリは無視されています。
このホワイト ペーパーでは、2 つのカテゴリ間の相関関係を特定し、既存のソリューションの体系的な概要を示します。


Temporal data, representing chronological observations of complex systems, has always been a typical data structure that can be widely generated by many domains, such as industry, medicine and finance. Analyzing this type of data is extremely valuable for various applications. Thus, different temporal data analysis tasks, eg, classification, clustering and prediction, have been proposed in the past decades. Among them, causal discovery, learning the causal relations from temporal data, is considered an interesting yet critical task and has attracted much research attention. Existing casual discovery works can be divided into two highly correlated categories according to whether the temporal data is calibrated, ie, multivariate time series casual discovery, and event sequence casual discovery. However, most previous surveys are only focused on the time series casual discovery and ignore the second category. In this paper, we specify the correlation between the two categories and provide a systematical overview of existing solutions. Furthermore, we provide public datasets, evaluation metrics and new perspectives for temporal data casual discovery.


著者 Chang Gong,Di Yao,Chuzhe Zhang,Wenbin Li,Jingping Bi
発行日 2023-03-17 16:45:01+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ME パーマリンク