How Adults Understand What Young Children Say


ベイジアン フレームワークを使用して話し言葉の認識をモデル化すると、計算モデルは、子供が伝えたいメッセージについて、コンテキスト固有の強力な事前の期待が含まれている場合にのみ、子供のスピーチの大人の解釈を再現できることがわかりました。


Children’s early speech often bears little resemblance to that of adults, and yet parents and other caregivers are able to interpret that speech and react accordingly. Here we investigate how these adult inferences as listeners reflect sophisticated beliefs about what children are trying to communicate, as well as how children are likely to pronounce words. Using a Bayesian framework for modeling spoken word recognition, we find that computational models can replicate adult interpretations of children’s speech only when they include strong, context-specific prior expectations about the messages that children will want to communicate. This points to a critical role of adult cognitive processes in supporting early communication and reveals how children can actively prompt adults to take actions on their behalf even when they have only a nascent understanding of the adult language. We discuss the wide-ranging implications of the powerful listening capabilities of adults for theories of first language acquisition.


著者 Stephan C. Meylan,Ruthe Foushee,Nicole H. Wong,Elika Bergelson,Roger P. Levy
発行日 2023-03-16 16:04:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク