Applying unsupervised keyphrase methods on concepts extracted from discharge sheets


さらに、重要な概念を特定するために、一般的な教師なしキー フレーズ抽出手法のセットが検証および評価されています。
臨床概念のほとんどが複数単語の表現の形式であり、それらを正確に識別するにはユーザーが n-gram 範囲を指定する必要があることを考慮して、TF-IDF に基づいて表現の構造を保存するためのショートカット方法を提案しました。
前処理方法を評価し、概念を選択するために、トランスフォーマー ベースのモデルの機能を使用して、2 種類のダウンストリーム タスク (複数およびバイナリ分類) を設計しました。
得られた結果は、提案された方法が SciBERT モデルと組み合わせて優れていることを示しており、臨床ノートの一般的な必須フレーズ抽出方法の有効性についての洞察も提供します。


Clinical notes containing valuable patient information are written by different health care providers with various scientific levels and writing styles. It might be helpful for clinicians and researchers to understand what information is essential when dealing with extensive electronic medical records. Entities recognizing and mapping them to standard terminologies is crucial in reducing ambiguity in processing clinical notes. Although named entity recognition and entity linking are critical steps in clinical natural language processing, they can also result in the production of repetitive and low-value concepts. In other hand, all parts of a clinical text do not share the same importance or content in predicting the patient’s condition. As a result, it is necessary to identify the section in which each content is recorded and also to identify key concepts to extract meaning from clinical texts. In this study, these challenges have been addressed by using clinical natural language processing techniques. In addition, in order to identify key concepts, a set of popular unsupervised key phrase extraction methods has been verified and evaluated. Considering that most of the clinical concepts are in the form of multi-word expressions and their accurate identification requires the user to specify n-gram range, we have proposed a shortcut method to preserve the structure of the expression based on TF-IDF. In order to evaluate the pre-processing method and select the concepts, we have designed two types of downstream tasks (multiple and binary classification) using the capabilities of transformer-based models. The obtained results show the superiority of proposed method in combination with SciBERT model, also offer an insight into the efficacy of general extracting essential phrase methods for clinical notes.


著者 Hoda Memarzadeh,Nasser Ghadiri,Matthias Samwald,Maryam Lotfi Shahreza
発行日 2023-03-15 20:55:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 68P20, cs.CL, cs.LG, J.3 パーマリンク