Nearest-Neighbor Inter-Intra Contrastive Learning from Unlabeled Videos


CVRL や $\rho$-MoCo などの最先端のビデオ対比学習法は、同じビデオからの 2 つのクリップをポジティブとして時空間的に増強します。
私たちの方法である Inter-Intra Video Contrastive Learning (IIVCL) は、さまざまなビデオ タスクのパフォーマンスを向上させます。


Contrastive learning has recently narrowed the gap between self-supervised and supervised methods in image and video domain. State-of-the-art video contrastive learning methods such as CVRL and $\rho$-MoCo spatiotemporally augment two clips from the same video as positives. By only sampling positive clips locally from a single video, these methods neglect other semantically related videos that can also be useful. To address this limitation, we leverage nearest-neighbor videos from the global space as additional positive pairs, thus improving positive key diversity and introducing a more relaxed notion of similarity that extends beyond video and even class boundaries. Our method, Inter-Intra Video Contrastive Learning (IIVCL), improves performance on a range of video tasks.


著者 David Fan,Deyu Yang,Xinyu Li,Vimal Bhat,Rohith MV
発行日 2023-03-13 17:38:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク