Target Defense against Periodically Arriving Intruders


1 人の防御者が、定期的に到着する一連の侵入者から静的なターゲットを防御する任務を負っている、追跡回避ゲームの変形を検討します。
エンゲージ サーフェスとキャプチャ サークルの概念を使用して、ディフェンダーのキャプチャ可能性に対処します。
防御側の 3 つの効率的な戦略を開発および分析し、捕獲率の下限を導き出します。
最後に、一連のシミュレーションと数値実験を実施して、提案された 3 つのアプローチを比較対照します。


We consider a variant of pursuit-evasion games where a single defender is tasked to defend a static target from a sequence of periodically arriving intruders. The intruders’ objective is to breach the boundary of a circular target without being captured and the defender’s objective is to capture as many intruders as possible. At the beginning of each period, a new intruder appears at a random location on the perimeter of a fixed circle surrounding the target and moves radially towards the target center to breach the target. The intruders are slower in speed compared to the defender and they have their own sensing footprint through which they can perfectly detect the defender if it is within their sensing range. Considering the speed and sensing limitations of the agents, we analyze the entire game by dividing it into partial information and full information phases. We address the defender’s capturability using the notions of engagement surface and capture circle. We develop and analyze three efficient strategies for the defender and derive a lower bound on the capture fraction. Finally, we conduct a series of simulations and numerical experiments to compare and contrast the three proposed approaches.


著者 Arman Pourghorban,Dipankar Maity
発行日 2023-03-09 20:58:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.MA, cs.RO, math.OC パーマリンク