Users are the North Star for AI Transparency


これが起こる理由の 1 つは、AI の透明性の明確な理想が、この一連の作業で語られていないことです。
私たちは広範な文献調査を実施し、同様の透明性の概念の多くのクラスターを特定し、理想的な AI の透明性の目標をどのように促進または阻害するかを分析して、それぞれを北極星に結び付けます。
私たちは、AI の透明性に関する将来の取り組みを期待しています。これにより、自信を持ってユーザーにとって有益な目標をさらに前進させ、規制当局と開発者の両方に明確さを提供できます。


Despite widespread calls for transparent artificial intelligence systems, the term is too overburdened with disparate meanings to express precise policy aims or to orient concrete lines of research. Consequently, stakeholders often talk past each other, with policymakers expressing vague demands and practitioners devising solutions that may not address the underlying concerns. Part of why this happens is that a clear ideal of AI transparency goes unsaid in this body of work. We explicitly name such a north star — transparency that is user-centered, user-appropriate, and honest. We conduct a broad literature survey, identifying many clusters of similar conceptions of transparency, tying each back to our north star with analysis of how it furthers or hinders our ideal AI transparency goals. We conclude with a discussion on common threads across all the clusters, to provide clearer common language whereby policymakers, stakeholders, and practitioners can communicate concrete demands and deliver appropriate solutions. We hope for future work on AI transparency that further advances confident, user-beneficial goals and provides clarity to regulators and developers alike.


著者 Alex Mei,Michael Saxon,Shiyu Chang,Zachary C. Lipton,William Yang Wang
発行日 2023-03-09 18:53:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.HC パーマリンク