The Effect of Modeling Human Rationality Level on Learning Rewards from Multiple Feedback Types


人間の行動から報酬関数を推測する場合 (デモンストレーション、比較、物理的修正、e-stop など)、ノイズやエントロピーの量を「合理性係数」で捉えて、ノイズと合理的な選択を行う人間をモデル化することが有用であることが証明されています。
ただし、多くの状況では、あるタイプのフィードバック (デモンストレーションなど) を提供することは、別のタイプのフィードバック (比較クエリへの回答など) よりもはるかに難しい場合があります。
さらに、合理性レベルが各フィードバック タイプの有益性に影響することがわかりました。驚くべきことに、実証が常に最も有益であるとは限りません。人間が非常に準最適に行動する場合、合理性レベルが両方で同じであっても、比較は実際にはより有益になります。


When inferring reward functions from human behavior (be it demonstrations, comparisons, physical corrections, or e-stops), it has proven useful to model the human as making noisy-rational choices, with a ‘rationality coefficient’ capturing how much noise or entropy we expect to see in the human behavior. Prior work typically sets the rationality level to a constant value, regardless of the type, or quality, of human feedback. However, in many settings, giving one type of feedback (e.g. a demonstration) may be much more difficult than a different type of feedback (e.g. answering a comparison query). Thus, we expect to see more or less noise depending on the type of human feedback. In this work, we advocate that grounding the rationality coefficient in real data for each feedback type, rather than assuming a default value, has a significant positive effect on reward learning. We test this in both simulated experiments and in a user study with real human feedback. We find that overestimating human rationality can have dire effects on reward learning accuracy and regret. We also find that fitting the rationality coefficient to human data enables better reward learning, even when the human deviates significantly from the noisy-rational choice model due to systematic biases. Further, we find that the rationality level affects the informativeness of each feedback type: surprisingly, demonstrations are not always the most informative — when the human acts very suboptimally, comparisons actually become more informative, even when the rationality level is the same for both. Ultimately, our results emphasize the importance and advantage of paying attention to the assumed human-rationality level, especially when agents actively learn from multiple types of human feedback.


著者 Gaurav R. Ghosal,Matthew Zurek,Daniel S. Brown,Anca D. Dragan
発行日 2023-03-09 15:43:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク