Knowledge-augmented Risk Assessment (KaRA): a hybrid-intelligence framework for supporting knowledge-intensive risk assessment of prospect candidates


多くの場合、見込み客の成功確率 (PoS) の評価は、専門家の知識に大きく依存し、多くの場合、偏った一貫性のない評価につながります。
これらの問題に対処するために、KARA (Knowledge-augmented Risk Assessment) というフレームワークを開発しました。
これは、構造化されたドメインの知識ベースの上に SME (対象分野の専門家) のフィードバックを考慮する複数の AI 技術を組み合わせて、知識集約的なコンテキストで見込みのある候補者のリスク評価プロセスをサポートします。


Evaluating the potential of a prospective candidate is a common task in multiple decision-making processes in different industries. We refer to a prospect as something or someone that could potentially produce positive results in a given context, e.g., an area where an oil company could find oil, a compound that, when synthesized, results in a material with required properties, and so on. In many contexts, assessing the Probability of Success (PoS) of prospects heavily depends on experts’ knowledge, often leading to biased and inconsistent assessments. We have developed the framework named KARA (Knowledge-augmented Risk Assessment) to address these issues. It combines multiple AI techniques that consider SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) feedback on top of a structured domain knowledge-base to support risk assessment processes of prospect candidates in knowledge-intensive contexts.


著者 Carlos Raoni Mendes,Emilio Vital Brazil,Vinicius Segura,Renato Cerqueira
発行日 2023-03-09 14:32:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.MA パーマリンク