GOATS: Goal Sampling Adaptation for Scooping with Curriculum Reinforcement Learning


これらの課題に対処するために、スクーピングのためのゴール サンプリング適応 (GOATS) を導入します。これは、ロボット スクーピング タスクの効果的で一般化可能なポリシーを学習できるカリキュラム強化学習方法です。
その結果、提案された方法は、シミュレーションのベースラインよりも優れており、タンク内の初期水状態の 1000 のバリエーションと大きな目標状態空間の下で、ボウルのすくいタスクとバケツのすくいタスクでそれぞれ 5.46% と 8.71% の量の誤差を達成できます。
この作業のビデオは、プロジェクト ページ (https://sites.google.com/view/goatscooping) でご覧いただけます。


In this work, we first formulate the problem of goal-conditioned robotic water scooping with reinforcement learning. This task is challenging due to the complex dynamics of fluid and multi-modal goal-reaching. The policy is required to achieve both position goals and water amount goals, which leads to a large convoluted goal state space. To address these challenges, we introduce Goal Sampling Adaptation for Scooping (GOATS), a curriculum reinforcement learning method that can learn an effective and generalizable policy for robot scooping tasks. Specifically, we use a goal-factorized reward formulation and interpolate position goal distributions and amount goal distributions to create curriculum through the learning process. As a result, our proposed method can outperform the baselines in simulation and achieves 5.46% and 8.71% amount errors on bowl scooping and bucket scooping tasks, respectively, under 1000 variations of initial water states in the tank and a large goal state space. Besides being effective in simulation environments, our method can efficiently generalize to noisy real-robot water-scooping scenarios with different physical configurations and unseen settings, demonstrating superior efficacy and generalizability. The videos of this work are available on our project page: https://sites.google.com/view/goatscooping.


著者 Yaru Niu,Shiyu Jin,Zeqing Zhang,Jiacheng Zhu,Ding Zhao,Liangjun Zhang
発行日 2023-03-09 11:45:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク