Simple and Efficient Confidence Score for Grading Whole Slide Images


病理学者が診断を実行して標準化するのに役立つ人工知能 (AI) アルゴリズムがますます開発されています。
このホワイト ペーパーでは、グレーディング タスクにおける AI モデルの信頼度を測定する新しいスコアを提案します。
モンテカルロ ドロップアウトやディープ アンサンブルなどの他の一般的な手法と比較すると、私たちの方法が最先端の結果を提供すると同時に、よりシンプルで用途が広く、計算量が少ないことがわかります。
スコアが誤った予測のスライドを正確に識別できること、および信頼性の高い決定の精度が信頼性の低い決定の精度よりも大幅に高いことを示します (テスト セットでの AUC のギャップは 17.1%)。


Grading precancerous lesions on whole slide images is a challenging task: the continuous space of morphological phenotypes makes clear-cut decisions between different grades often difficult, leading to low inter- and intra-rater agreements. More and more Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms are developed to help pathologists perform and standardize their diagnosis. However, those models can render their prediction without consideration of the ambiguity of the classes and can fail without notice which prevent their wider acceptance in a clinical context. In this paper, we propose a new score to measure the confidence of AI models in grading tasks. Our confidence score is specifically adapted to ordinal output variables, is versatile and does not require extra training or additional inferences nor particular architecture changes. Comparison to other popular techniques such as Monte Carlo Dropout and deep ensembles shows that our method provides state-of-the art results, while being simpler, more versatile and less computationally intensive. The score is also easily interpretable and consistent with real life hesitations of pathologists. We show that the score is capable of accurately identifying mispredicted slides and that accuracy for high confidence decisions is significantly higher than for low-confidence decisions (gap in AUC of 17.1% on the test set). We believe that the proposed confidence score could be leveraged by pathologists directly in their workflow and assist them on difficult tasks such as grading precancerous lesions.


著者 Mélanie Lubrano,Yaëlle Bellahsen-Harrar,Rutger Fick,Cécile Badoual,Thomas Walter
発行日 2023-03-08 14:15:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク