Ship trajectory planning method for reproducing human operation at ports


船の操縦の中でも、離着岸は船長にとって最も困難でストレスの多い段階の 1 つです。
制約は、特定の状態 (位置、船首方位角、船速、およびヨー角速度) を課し、ほぼ任意の時点で取られるようにします。
この新しい制約の導入により、停泊/停泊中に人間が実行するかのように、慎重な軌道計画を課すことができます (たとえば、ゼロ速度でのその場でのターンまたは後進する前の安全のための一時停止)。
ここで提案するアルゴリズムは、大型カー フェリーの離着岸軌道を最適化するために使用されました。


Among ship maneuvers, berthing/unberthing maneuvers are one of the most challenging and stressful phases for captains. Concerning burden reduction on ship operators and preventing accidents, several researches have been conducted on trajectory planning to automate berthing/unberthing. However, few studies have aimed at assisting captains in berthing/unberthing. The trajectory to be presented to the captain should be a maneuver that reproduces human captain’s control characteristics. The previously proposed methods cannot explicitly reflect the motion and navigation, which human captains pay particular attention to reduce the mental burden in the trajectory planning. Herein, mild constraints to the trajectory planning method are introduced. The constraints impose certain states (position, bow heading angle, ship speed, and yaw angular velocity), to be taken approximately at any given time. The introduction of this new constraint allows imposing careful trajectory planning (e.g., in-situ turns at zero speed or a pause for safety before going astern), as if performed by a human during berthing/unberthing. The algorithm proposed herein was used to optimize the berthing/unberthing trajectories for a large car ferry. The results show that this method can generate the quantitatively equivalent trajectory recorded in the actual berthing/unberthing maneuver performed by a human captain.


著者 Rin Suyama,Yoshiki Miyauchi,Atsuo Maki
発行日 2023-03-08 08:23:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, math.OC パーマリンク