Self-supervised learning with rotation-invariant kernels


画像表現の自己教師あり学習のために、超球上の回転不変カーネル (ドット積カーネルとも呼ばれます) を使用したカーネル平均埋め込みに基づく正則化損失を導入します。
私たちの仕事は、モデルがいくつかの定義済みの画像変換 (クロッピング、ぼかし、色のジッターなど) に対して不変であることを学習する主要なパラダイムに従いますが、埋め込み分布を正則化することによって縮退したソリューションを回避します。


We introduce a regularization loss based on kernel mean embeddings with rotation-invariant kernels on the hypersphere (also known as dot-product kernels) for self-supervised learning of image representations. Besides being fully competitive with the state of the art, our method significantly reduces time and memory complexity for self-supervised training, making it implementable for very large embedding dimensions on existing devices and more easily adjustable than previous methods to settings with limited resources. Our work follows the major paradigm where the model learns to be invariant to some predefined image transformations (cropping, blurring, color jittering, etc.), while avoiding a degenerate solution by regularizing the embedding distribution. Our particular contribution is to propose a loss family promoting the embedding distribution to be close to the uniform distribution on the hypersphere, with respect to the maximum mean discrepancy pseudometric. We demonstrate that this family encompasses several regularizers of former methods, including uniformity-based and information-maximization methods, which are variants of our flexible regularization loss with different kernels. Beyond its practical consequences for state-of-the-art self-supervised learning with limited resources, the proposed generic regularization approach opens perspectives to leverage more widely the literature on kernel methods in order to improve self-supervised learning methods.


著者 Léon Zheng,Gilles Puy,Elisa Riccietti,Patrick Pérez,Rémi Gribonval
発行日 2023-03-08 13:34:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク