A Dataset and Comparative Study for Vision-Based Relative Position Estimation of Multirotor Teams Flying in Close Proximity


マルチローター チームは、互いに非常に接近して飛行する必要がある場合がある、検査、配送、および建設作業に役立ちます。
実世界の物理的な飛行と 3D レンダリングされたシーンで収集されたデータセットを提供し、成功率、相対位置推定、およびダウンウォッシュ予測精度に関して、異なる設定で 2 つの既存の学習ベースの方法を比較します。


Multirotor teams are useful for inspection, delivery, and construction tasks, in which they might be required to fly very close to each other. In such close-proximity cases, nonlinear aerodynamic effects can cause catastrophic crashes, necessitating each robots’ awareness of the surroundings. Existing approaches rely on expensive or heavy perception sensors. Instead, we propose to use the often ignored yaw degree-of-freedom of multirotors to spin a single, cheap and lightweight monocular camera at a high angular rate for omnidirectional awareness. We provide a dataset collected with real-world physical flights as well as with 3D rendered scenes and compare two existing learning-based methods in different settings with respect to success rate, relative position estimation, and downwash prediction accuracy. As application we demonstrate that our proposed spinning camera is capable of predicting the presence of aerodynamic downwash in a challenging swapping task.


著者 Akmaral Moldagalieva,Wolfgang Hönig
発行日 2023-03-07 13:48:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク