Automated Task-Time Interventions to Improve Teamwork using Imitation Learning


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マルチエージェントの模倣学習アルゴリズムである BTIL を使用して、私たちのアプローチはまず、過去のタスク実行データからチーム行動の生成モデルを学習します。
次に、学習した生成モデルとチームのタスク目標 (共有報酬) を利用して、実行時間の介入をアルゴリズムで生成します。


Effective human-human and human-autonomy teamwork is critical but often challenging to perfect. The challenge is particularly relevant in time-critical domains, such as healthcare and disaster response, where the time pressures can make coordination increasingly difficult to achieve and the consequences of imperfect coordination can be severe. To improve teamwork in these and other domains, we present TIC: an automated intervention approach for improving coordination between team members. Using BTIL, a multi-agent imitation learning algorithm, our approach first learns a generative model of team behavior from past task execution data. Next, it utilizes the learned generative model and team’s task objective (shared reward) to algorithmically generate execution-time interventions. We evaluate our approach in synthetic multi-agent teaming scenarios, where team members make decentralized decisions without full observability of the environment. The experiments demonstrate that the automated interventions can successfully improve team performance and shed light on the design of autonomous agents for improving teamwork.


著者 Sangwon Seo,Bing Han,Vaibhav Unhelkar
発行日 2023-03-01 11:09:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.MA パーマリンク