An Abstract View on Optimizations in Propositional Frameworks


自動推論と知識表現は、これらの開発に特に関係する AI のサブフィールドです。
多くの一般的な自動推論パラダイムは、最適化ステートメントをサポートする言語をユーザーに提供します。たとえば、MaxSAT や回答セット プログラミングなどです。


Search-optimization problems are plentiful in scientific and engineering domains. Artificial intelligence has long contributed to the development of search algorithms and declarative programming languages geared towards solving and modeling search-optimization problems. Automated reasoning and knowledge representation are the subfields of AI that are particularly vested in these developments. Many popular automated reasoning paradigms provide users with languages supporting optimization statements: MaxSAT or answer set programming, to name a few. These paradigms vary significantly in their languages and in the ways they express quality conditions on computed solutions. Here we propose a unifying framework of so-called weight systems that eliminates syntactic distinctions between paradigms and allows us to see essential similarities and differences between optimization statements provided by paradigms. This unifying outlook has a significant simplifying and explanatory potential in the studies of optimization and modularity in automated reasoning and knowledge representation providing technical means for bridging distinct formalisms and developing translational solvers.


著者 Yuliya Lierler
発行日 2023-03-01 16:03:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI パーマリンク