Parametrizing Product Shape Manifolds by Composite Networks


ただし、これには多くの場合、高い計算コストが伴うため、効率的なニューラル ネットワークの近似を学習できるかどうかという疑問が生じます。
ここでは、データ多様体の典型的な例が、連結モデルのデータセットを通じて示され、たとえば疎主測地線解析 (SPGA) によって因数分解できます。


Parametrizations of data manifolds in shape spaces can be computed using the rich toolbox of Riemannian geometry. This, however, often comes with high computational costs, which raises the question if one can learn an efficient neural network approximation. We show that this is indeed possible for shape spaces with a special product structure, namely those smoothly approximable by a direct sum of low-dimensional manifolds. Our proposed architecture leverages this structure by separately learning approximations for the low-dimensional factors and a subsequent combination. After developing the approach as a general framework, we apply it to a shape space of triangular surfaces. Here, typical examples of data manifolds are given through datasets of articulated models and can be factorized, for example, by a Sparse Principal Geodesic Analysis (SPGA). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach with experiments on synthetic data as well as manifolds extracted from data via SPGA.


著者 Josua Sassen,Klaus Hildebrandt,Martin Rumpf,Benedikt Wirth
発行日 2023-02-28 15:31:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 65D15, 65D18, 68T07, cs.CV, cs.GR, cs.LG, math.DG パーマリンク