Design of an Adaptive Lightweight LiDAR to Decouple Robot-Camera Geometry


これにより、ロボットのポーズを変更してセンサーを認識対象の領域に再配置するアクティブ ビジョンの研究が行われました。
私たちの設計は、LiDAR の高価なコンポーネントを小型ロボットの外部に配置できる、小型で低電力のシステムで使用できる可能性があります。
シミュレーションおよび UAV に搭載されたプロトタイプ ハードウェアでのアプローチの有用性を示します。
また、ハードウェアで IMU と外部オドメトリ フィードバックを使用した動き補償の例も示します。


A fundamental challenge in robot perception is the coupling of the sensor pose and robot pose. This has led to research in active vision where robot pose is changed to reorient the sensor to areas of interest for perception. Further, egomotion such as jitter, and external effects such as wind and others affect perception requiring additional effort in software such as image stabilization. This effect is particularly pronounced in micro-air vehicles and micro-robots who typically are lighter and subject to larger jitter but do not have the computational capability to perform stabilization in real-time. We present a novel microelectromechanical (MEMS) mirror LiDAR system to change the field of view of the LiDAR independent of the robot motion. Our design has the potential for use on small, low-power systems where the expensive components of the LiDAR can be placed external to the small robot. We show the utility of our approach in simulation and on prototype hardware mounted on a UAV. We believe that this LiDAR and its compact movable scanning design provide mechanisms to decouple robot and sensor geometry allowing us to simplify robot perception. We also demonstrate examples of motion compensation using IMU and external odometry feedback in hardware.


著者 Yuyang Chen,Dingkang Wang,Lenworth Thomas,Karthik Dantu,Sanjeev J. Koppal
発行日 2023-02-28 06:03:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク