集合的な意思決定は、大規模なマルチロボット システムが群れレベルで自律性を確立するために不可欠な機能です。
ここでは、分散型ロボット システムに、境界のない環境を探索し、測定可能な環境特性の平均値に関する合意を見つけ、その値が測定される領域 (等高線など) で集計するタスクを割り当てます。
このタスクの特徴は、ロボットの動的ネットワーク トポロジと意思決定の間の因果ループです。
Collective decision-making is an essential capability of large-scale multi-robot systems to establish autonomy on the swarm level. A large portion of literature on collective decision-making in swarm robotics focuses on discrete decisions selecting from a limited number of options. Here we assign a decentralized robot system with the task of exploring an unbounded environment, finding consensus on the mean of a measurable environmental feature, and aggregating at areas where that value is measured (e.g., a contour line). A unique quality of this task is a causal loop between the robots’ dynamic network topology and their decision-making. For example, the network’s mean node degree influences time to convergence while the currently agreed-on mean value influences the swarm’s aggregation location, hence, also the network structure as well as the precision error. We propose a control algorithm and study it in real-world robot swarm experiments in different environments. We show that our approach is effective and achieves higher precision than a control experiment. We anticipate applications, for example, in containing pollution with surface vehicles.
著者 | Mohsen Raoufi,Pawel Romanczuk,Heiko Hamann |
発行日 | 2023-02-27 09:57:15+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google