Personalized Pricing with Invalid Instrumental Variables: Identification, Estimation, and Policy Learning


この論文では、結果への直接的な影響を可能にする継続的な治療のために無効な iNsTrumental 変数 (PRINT) を使用して、個別化された価格設定のための新しいポリシー学習方法を提案します。
最後に、広範なシミュレーション研究と、米国のオンライン自動車ローン会社からの実際のデータ アプリケーションを通じて、提案された方法の有効性を示します。


Pricing based on individual customer characteristics is widely used to maximize sellers’ revenues. This work studies offline personalized pricing under endogeneity using an instrumental variable approach. Standard instrumental variable methods in causal inference/econometrics either focus on a discrete treatment space or require the exclusion restriction of instruments from having a direct effect on the outcome, which limits their applicability in personalized pricing. In this paper, we propose a new policy learning method for Personalized pRicing using Invalid iNsTrumental variables (PRINT) for continuous treatment that allow direct effects on the outcome. Specifically, relying on the structural models of revenue and price, we establish the identifiability condition of an optimal pricing strategy under endogeneity with the help of invalid instrumental variables. Based on this new identification, which leads to solving conditional moment restrictions with generalized residual functions, we construct an adversarial min-max estimator and learn an optimal pricing strategy. Furthermore, we establish an asymptotic regret bound to find an optimal pricing strategy. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method via extensive simulation studies as well as a real data application from an US online auto loan company.


著者 Rui Miao,Zhengling Qi,Cong Shi,Lin Lin
発行日 2023-02-24 14:50:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, econ.EM, stat.ME, stat.ML パーマリンク