Steerable Equivariant Representation Learning


この不変性により、これらの特定のデータ拡張に対する感度に依存するダウンストリーム タスクへの一般化が減少します。
リニア プローブのトップ 1 の精度を転送で 1% から 3% 向上させます。
ImageNet-C の精度は最大 3.4% 向上します。
さらに、表現の操縦性がテスト時間の拡張に大幅なスピードアップ (ほぼ 50 倍) を提供することを示します。
分布外検出に多数の拡張を適用することにより、不変表現よりも ImageNet-C データセットの OOD AUC を大幅に改善します。


Pre-trained deep image representations are useful for post-training tasks such as classification through transfer learning, image retrieval, and object detection. Data augmentations are a crucial aspect of pre-training robust representations in both supervised and self-supervised settings. Data augmentations explicitly or implicitly promote invariance in the embedding space to the input image transformations. This invariance reduces generalization to those downstream tasks which rely on sensitivity to these particular data augmentations. In this paper, we propose a method of learning representations that are instead equivariant to data augmentations. We achieve this equivariance through the use of steerable representations. Our representations can be manipulated directly in embedding space via learned linear maps. We demonstrate that our resulting steerable and equivariant representations lead to better performance on transfer learning and robustness: e.g. we improve linear probe top-1 accuracy by between 1% to 3% for transfer; and ImageNet-C accuracy by upto 3.4%. We further show that the steerability of our representations provides significant speedup (nearly 50x) for test-time augmentations; by applying a large number of augmentations for out-of-distribution detection, we significantly improve OOD AUC on the ImageNet-C dataset over an invariant representation.


著者 Sangnie Bhardwaj,Willie McClinton,Tongzhou Wang,Guillaume Lajoie,Chen Sun,Phillip Isola,Dilip Krishnan
発行日 2023-02-22 12:42:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク