Cross-domain Compositing with Pretrained Diffusion Models


とりわけ、これらには、画像のブレンド、オブジェクトの没入、テクスチャの置換、さらには CG2Real の変換またはスタイライゼーションが含まれます。
最後に、ダウンストリーム タスクのデータ拡張にこの方法を使用する方法を示します。


Diffusion models have enabled high-quality, conditional image editing capabilities. We propose to expand their arsenal, and demonstrate that off-the-shelf diffusion models can be used for a wide range of cross-domain compositing tasks. Among numerous others, these include image blending, object immersion, texture-replacement and even CG2Real translation or stylization. We employ a localized, iterative refinement scheme which infuses the injected objects with contextual information derived from the background scene, and enables control over the degree and types of changes the object may undergo. We conduct a range of qualitative and quantitative comparisons to prior work, and exhibit that our method produces higher quality and realistic results without requiring any annotations or training. Finally, we demonstrate how our method may be used for data augmentation of downstream tasks.


著者 Roy Hachnochi,Mingrui Zhao,Nadav Orzech,Rinon Gal,Ali Mahdavi-Amiri,Daniel Cohen-Or,Amit Haim Bermano
発行日 2023-02-20 18:54:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR, cs.LG パーマリンク