Co-evolution of Social and Non-Social Guilt


結果は、ラティス ネットワークとスケールフリー ネットワークの両方で、感情的な罪悪感が生じやすい戦略が、十分に混合された人口設定と比較して、発生する罪悪感と社会的コストのより広い範囲で支配的であることを示しています。
構造化された集団設定では、社会的および非社会的な罪悪感の両方が、感情的になりやすい戦略とのクラスター化を通じて進化および展開する可能性があり、特に非社会的 (より安価な) 戦略の場合に、搾取者から保護することができます。
全体として、私たちの調査結果は、自己組織化および分散型の協調マルチエージェント システムの設計とエンジニアリングに関する重要な洞察を提供します。


Building ethical machines may involve bestowing upon them the emotional capacity to self-evaluate and repent on their actions. While reparative measures, such as apologies, are often considered as possible strategic interactions, the explicit evolution of the emotion of guilt as a behavioural phenotype is not yet well understood. Here, we study the co-evolution of social and non-social guilt of homogeneous or heterogeneous populations, including well-mixed, lattice and scale-free networks. Socially aware guilt comes at a cost, as it requires agents to make demanding efforts to observe and understand the internal state and behaviour of others, while non-social guilt only requires the awareness of the agents’ own state and hence incurs no social cost. Those choosing to be non-social are however more sensitive to exploitation by other agents due to their social unawareness. Resorting to methods from evolutionary game theory, we study analytically, and through extensive numerical and agent-based simulations, whether and how such social and non-social guilt can evolve and deploy, depending on the underlying structure of the populations, or systems, of agents. The results show that, in both lattice and scale-free networks, emotional guilt prone strategies are dominant for a larger range of the guilt and social costs incurred, compared to the well-mixed population setting, leading therefore to significantly higher levels of cooperation for a wider range of the costs. In structured population settings, both social and non-social guilt can evolve and deploy through clustering with emotional prone strategies, allowing them to be protected from exploiters, especially in case of non-social (less costly) strategies. Overall, our findings provide important insights into the design and engineering of self-organised and distributed cooperative multi-agent systems.


著者 Theodor Cimpeanu,Luis Moniz Pereira,The Anh Han
発行日 2023-02-20 09:40:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.MA, math.DS, nlin.AO パーマリンク