Which country is this picture from? New data and methods for DNN-based country recognition


写真が撮影された国を認識することには、フェイク ニュースの識別や偽情報キャンペーンの防止など、多くの潜在的な用途があります。
上記の枠組みの中で、本書は 2 つの貢献を提供します。
まず、380 万のジオタグ付き画像を含む VIPPGeo データセットを紹介します。


Recognizing the country where a picture has been taken has many potential applications, such as identification of fake news and prevention of disinformation campaigns. Previous works focused on the estimation of the geo-coordinates where a picture has been taken. Yet, recognizing in which country an image was taken could be more critical, from a semantic and forensic point of view, than estimating its spatial coordinates. In the above framework, this paper provides two contributions. First, we introduce the VIPPGeo dataset, containing 3.8 million geo-tagged images. Secondly, we used the dataset to train a model casting the country recognition problem as a classification problem. The experiments show that our model provides better results than the current state of the art. Notably, we found that asking the network to identify the country provides better results than estimating the geo-coordinates and then tracing them back to the country where the picture was taken.


著者 Omran Alamayreh,Giovanna Maria Dimitri,Jun Wang,Benedetta Tondi,Mauro Barni
発行日 2023-02-17 15:31:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク