Counterfactual Fair Opportunity: Measuring Decision Model Fairness with Counterfactual Reasoning


反事実公正な機会と呼ばれる機会均等の反事実バージョンが定義され、反事実サンプルの機密情報を分析する 2 つの新しいメトリックが導入されます。
3 つの異なるデータセットでの実験結果は、私たちの方法論とメトリクスの有効性を示しており、従来の機械学習とバイアス緩和モデルの不公平な動作を明らかにしています。


The increasing application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models poses potential risks of unfair behavior and, in light of recent regulations, has attracted the attention of the research community. Several researchers focused on seeking new fairness definitions or developing approaches to identify biased predictions. However, none try to exploit the counterfactual space to this aim. In that direction, the methodology proposed in this work aims to unveil unfair model behaviors using counterfactual reasoning in the case of fairness under unawareness setting. A counterfactual version of equal opportunity named counterfactual fair opportunity is defined and two novel metrics that analyze the sensitive information of counterfactual samples are introduced. Experimental results on three different datasets show the efficacy of our methodologies and our metrics, disclosing the unfair behavior of classic machine learning and debiasing models.


著者 Giandomenico Cornacchia,Vito Walter Anelli,Fedelucio Narducci,Azzurra Ragone,Eugenio Di Sciascio
発行日 2023-02-16 09:13:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CY, cs.LG パーマリンク